

JFolder: :files: Path is not a folder. Path: [ROOT]/images/2011oct/Matsue



There was a problem rendering your image gallery. Please make sure that the folder you are using in the Simple Image Gallery Pro plugin tags exists and contains valid image files. The plugin could not locate the folder: images/2011oct/Matsue

Went back to Matsue, to photograph the few Koi that we have left out this Summer. Usually, we try to ship even the highest level Koi back home, as leaving Koi in the mud ponds is fraught with risks.

The latter five Koi in this gallery are the ones we have left Japan, with the last two of these still being available for sale, at 66 and 64cm (sansai) respectively. The Yondan, Maruten Sandan, and Nidan are all Yonsai, so this will give you a good idea of the level of these fish when we obtained them as Nisai. Of course, it would be a mistake to assume that everything from any given breeder turns to gold, as this isn't the case. Koi such as these are few and far between, and the exception to the norm at any farm. But, as you can see from the gallery, with careful selection for all the right criteria, a good result can very frequently be achieved. Such Koi as these may be a high price, but in reality, they are not expensive. An expensive Koi, is an overpriced one! With high price, come high expectations, which is often quickly followed by big disappointments. We take great pride in obtaining extremely high level Koi, and selling them with very low margins. The result, is perhaps, what you could call a cheap Koi? (cheap for the price!) ;-)

Right now, I am at Omosako looking for another very special Nisai. Tomorrow, is the Momotaro auction, so I hope to find good Sanke there! If you have seen a Koi on the Momotaro website please contact us, and we will try to get it for you (assuming I think it is worth having).
