Matsue KohakuOn the 18th, I went to Matsue, and then Omosako. I spent my Birthday evening with Takahiro Omosako, as per every year.

Having sorted out with breeders as to what Koi they will have on what dates, I have now started to buy Koi. There are three Nisai from Matsue, and two from Takigawa. It should be duly noted that the smaller of the two Takigawa Koi was in a mud pond with all it's siblings whereby the Koi hadnt eaten in the last two months because of the water being no good.

So, in this instance, all of the Koi came out a little small, and thin.

That said, I am absolutely confident that the Maruten Yondan that was in this pond, will quickly make up for lost time, and become a wonderful Koi in the future!

In the case of this Koi, I have take the bold step of putting the price on the website, but the price reflects how the Koi is now, and once she is safely back in the UK and putting on weight, her price will be adjusted accordingly.

Darren is with me as of yesterday, and this morning, we are heading back to Matsue Koi Farm. I have a schedule planned now, but it will all have to be a box of surprises ;-)