Last night was one of the most interesting nights I have had to date. We went out for dinner with Iitsuka-san (Matsue), and I got talking to him about his bloodlines and traits. It transpired that one of the parent Koi produced Koi with exceptional bodies, that grew consistently big because of the consistent body types. But, the Koi's genes were somewhat 'wild', so the colour quality of the offspring was very difficult to 'read' when selecting Koi, because the very slight difference in Beni type/appearance would make an immense difference as the Koi grew up, whereas with the other parent Koi, the body type was more varied, yet the colour type more predictable. In times when people strangely think that all offspring grow to the same eventual size, and that colour types/bloodlines within a certain breeding are unimportant, this kinda solidifies my own beliefs in the importance of good understanding if you are to have any hope of a Koi growing up to be the perfect combination of 'big & beautiful'.

Today was very exciting for me! We went back today as yesterday the last pond of nisai was harvested, but we ran out of daylight. I found two very special kohakus, one from 'Manten' and one from 'Himawari'. Both have all the right credentials that I look for in high class koi for growing to Jumbo. The body line and bone structure of these koi is absolutely superb, and the colour types for theis respective bloodlines ensure the best possible future lies ahead...

This afternoon, we went to Sakai. Leo and John bought four Nisai Kohakus, and then traveled back to Okayama this eve. In the morning, we head up to Niigata for the next two days, after which, Leo and John depart, and I head back South once again with the next party, to do it all once again! ;-)