Well, today (28th) was kinda double-edged. On one hand, a few of our Koi came out wonderful, but the downside being that one that had done particularly well, and emerged as Yonsai of 71cm, came out of the mud pond fine, but an hour or so later, died.

This is kinda 'C'est la vie' with Koi, as it is most likely that the Koi suffered some kind of burst blood vessel when harvested, and this was an expensive one! On the upside though, a few others were very good, and I got the chance to photograph last year's nisai Kashira (now Sansai Kashira), and she is indeed incredibly beautiful!

Sansai Kashira

The Kashira from the year before (that went to the Wakagoi Show this year) came out at 71cm, and in wonderful condition!