The 26th was a day I was very much looking forward to, as today was the day that Yamatoya was to harvest their Sansai, which included a Koi very special to me... the nisai 'Kashira' from last year (amongst others). Here she was being brought up from the mudpond.

Harvest Collection

The picture below shows her in a bowl prior to being put in the pond Yamatoya's fish house.

64cm Sansai Kohaku

Having just been brought up from the mud pond, she is a little 'wild', but measures just over 64cm as Sansai! I will take better photos when she has settled down in a few days time. The 27th, we went to see Matsue again, as I was in search of special Sansai and Yonsai.

There were two notable ones, so I will be taking clients back to see them next week after I return from Niigata. Tomorrow morning, we will be travelling back to Yamatoya Koi Farm to see the Jumbo harvest. At this time, I am hoping to photograph many of our Koi...