

JFolder: :files: Path is not a folder. Path: [ROOT]/images/march2010/2104



There was a problem rendering your image gallery. Please make sure that the folder you are using in the Simple Image Gallery Pro plugin tags exists and contains valid image files. The plugin could not locate the folder: images/march2010/2104

Well, I woke up this morning to find out that my flight home from Paris was cancelled, and that this would leave me stranded in Paris with thousands of other people, waiting to come home!So, I decided that if I stayed in Japan, at least I would be comfortable, and could get some work done.

Yesterday, part of my intended itinerary was to visit Momotaro, but I was running late. So, I went down to the Farm today, as Daisuke said that was intended to happen here yesterday, also wasn't happening until today.

To cut a long story short... Mr Kaneko of Nagano prefecture was here today, to pick from the absolute cream of the Tosai that were bred from his parent Koi. These were some seriously good Koi!

Breeding has already started here, about a week ago. They are intending to get at least 5 million black fry selected from Showa breedings, and the first selection of these black fry started today.

The Takeda Tosai mentioned earlier, can be found in the following video links...

Takeda Sanke 39cm

Takeda Showas
