

JFolder: :files: Path is not a folder. Path: [ROOT]/images/march2010/1804



There was a problem rendering your image gallery. Please make sure that the folder you are using in the Simple Image Gallery Pro plugin tags exists and contains valid image files. The plugin could not locate the folder: images/march2010/1804

Well, Sunday was an interesting one...

Went to Takeda Koi Farm... Went through all of Takeda's Tategoi ponds, and bought what I considered to be the cream of the crop, as usual. Pics came out lousy, as my flash gun has been playing up, so the photo here was taken with my compact camera. Anyway, the Koi are fantastic, and up to 39cm. 6 Showa, and 1 Sanke, from a 1 metre Momotaro parent.

On Monday, I went to Takigawa Koi Farm. I went through the two best Tategoi ponds, but drew a complete blank :-( There was nothing that I considered to be of the level I was looking for. A real shame, as he is a fantastic breeder.

Today, have been to Matsue Koi Far... got 8 really high end Kohaku female Jumbo Tosai... really high end! Again, my flash was broken, so pics are no good. The Beni is much softer and more beautiful than the pics! I have excellent video of these, that are far more representative of the Koi... will upload later.

To my surprise, it looks like I may be flying home in the morning. As such, I am in a panic getting ready! Vids and more updates to follow...
