

JFolder: :files: Path is not a folder. Path: [ROOT]/images/march2010/2803



There was a problem rendering your image gallery. Please make sure that the folder you are using in the Simple Image Gallery Pro plugin tags exists and contains valid image files. The plugin could not locate the folder: images/march2010/2803

Today was spent at Yamatoya Koi Farm. As I expected, I have to go back later to get hold of good Tosai, after they have been selected, and the lesser ones weeded out. This is no problem though, as our March/April trip historically has never been the time when we have obtained the best Tosai. This time of year can be good for getting one or two Nisai though, although not in Yamatoya's case, as all of his good Koi are sold out.

It was still good to be here though, and Shiraishi-san wants to buy back the Maruten Kohaku that we bought in October 2008 as his Kashira. This isn't the ideal situation for such a Koi, as I would rather see her in a hobbyists pond. But, since he is happy to pay our asking price, I have a few days to decide.

Two other Koi that reside here, are ones that I am very proud of. One is a clients Koi, which is now for sale again (very cheaply), and the other is one that I personally like very much... This Kohaku is one I sold as Nisai, and bought back from the client when Sansai. She is now Yonsai and 71cm. Strangely, this Koi has had very little interest from hobbyists.
