

JFolder: :files: Path is not a folder. Path: [ROOT]/images/mar09/3003



There was a problem rendering your image gallery. Please make sure that the folder you are using in the Simple Image Gallery Pro plugin tags exists and contains valid image files. The plugin could not locate the folder: images/mar09/3003

I spent Monday at Momotaro, perusing some Bentley Tosai Kohaku that I bought in the Feb Auction, which are now growing huge! Also, I used the afternoon to study the Tosai that were going through yesterdays auction.

Meet Adam! Adam has been working at Momotaro since Summer 2006, and is a top guy! This pic was not a posed one... he was working socking fish out of the show pool in front of us during the auction.

Meet Adam!

I only bought a handful of Koi in the auction, but they were top class ones! A couple of pictures of some that I bought are below... simply fantastic!
