

JFolder: :files: Path is not a folder. Path: [ROOT]/images/jan09/30th



There was a problem rendering your image gallery. Please make sure that the folder you are using in the Simple Image Gallery Pro plugin tags exists and contains valid image files. The plugin could not locate the folder: images/jan09/30th

Within a few minutes of arriving at the Koi Show on the Friday, the result for Grand Champion was announced!... Yamatoya! This was a triumphant result for Shiraishi-san, and also for myself, as Yamatoya has been one of our mainstay breeders since we first went there in April 2002! Further to this, up until 2006, we were the only non-Japanese breeder ever to buy Koi at Yamatoya Koi Farm.

This wonderful Kohaku took second in 70Bu. We sold her when Nisai of about 53cm, and she is now Sansai. A great result!

This wonderful customers Kohaku was also at the Show, and Sansai.

Takahiro Omosako, and Max Ng. I have been friends with both of these guys for several years, and both are top people in my estimation.

Who says the Japanese don't misbehave!? Hiro-san is pouring me a beer, and getting it as close to the brim as poss, overlooked by Kuroku-san. In from the right of the pic, comes Daisuke Maeda, like a greased lightning, who promptly pours more beer in, making for an ecological disaster all over the floor! ;-)


After the banquet, Michael Cox (Koi Nations) and myself were invited out partying with Iitsuka-san (Matsue), and Hiro-san (Takahiro Omosako of Omosako Koi Farm, and staff).

Hiro-san making party plans...

At the end of the eve, Hiro-san jumped on Michael Cox's back. If you look back through old blogs, you will see a pattern emerging... it seems that Hiro-san just likes to be carried everywhere when he's been drinking!